Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Isn't it ironic? If someone brings up the fact that we, the United States, did not find WMD's in Iraq, then straight from their talking points Republicans will spout something about Saddam being a "bad guy" and say how he "tortured people". It is ironic because, if the justification for overthrowing a government and its leader's is them being "bad guys and condoning torture", then it is fair to say that most (if not all) of our current leaders should step-down now; furthermore, I cannot understand why some Republicans are backing-up and defending our leaders who are taking this highly immoral position. This position, to condone torture, is completely destroying any last threads of decency, respect, and credibility that we have left in the eyes of the rest of the world. Oh, and by the way, I should also mention that experts pretty much agree that torturing a person does not produce credible intelligence because a person being tortured will basically say whatever he has to say (even if it is all lies), in order to stop the pain of the torture. Our leaders who condone these tortorous interrogation methods know that they do not produce reliable intelligence. Then again, these are the same people who led our country to war under false pretenses. I guess it is rather convenient for them to condone torture, even knowing that it does not produce anything truthful because they can just use these methods to get any type of intelligence that they need in order to justify the plans that they already have drawn-up.


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