Sunday, January 22, 2006

Paul Bremer's Book and Other Stuff

Paul Bremer, our former liar in Iraq- or I mean our former head of the former CPA-, has just realesed a new book in which he makes very clear just had big, how bad, and how opposite the truth the lies were that he was publicly telling all of us, American citizens, while he was head of the CPA. Wolf Blitzer just played an interview with Bremer in which Bremer says that the Administration planned effectively, that we had enough troops, and that we did not need anymore troops. That was obviously a lie because he writes in his book that at the time he told both Donald Rumsfeld and Condi Rice that we did not have enough troops and that we needed more. When confronted with his old clip from that time saying, we had and have enough troops, his response was even more disturbing- he said that he has been in government long enough to know that you tell your bosses exactly what you think but you keep that between you and them, and in public (interviews, press conferences) you support whatever your bosses are doing, and if you cannot support them because you disagree too strongly then you resign. Really? Interesting, to say the least. So, what he is saying is that you tell your bosses what you think, you publicly lie to the American people- even when our soldiers lives are at risk- and the only time you reveal what was really going on is if you are writing a book and need to make money. Interesting concept and a very moral approach. At least he seems to hold the same moral code as his party leaders. He also said in a Wolf Blitzer interview at the time that, Iraq's aftermath was not choatic and we were fully prepared. Again though, in his book he says that, it was extremely chaotic and we were not prepared at all for Iraq's aftermath. What a good-hearted, honest guy. I am sure glad and feel lucky that we had him, as one of Bush's chosen government leaders, representing us abroad. This book writing, truth telling is typical of folks coming out of this administration. It happened with Colin Powell, it happened with Paul O'Neill, now it is happening with Paul Bremer. Some folks did not lie to the public and did just what Mr. Bremer suggested and either resigned or were fired for speaking the truth. General Eric Shinseki was fired for telling the truth about how many troops were needed, Richard Clarke resigned over the utter incompetence of this Administration, and Michael Scheuer- former head of the CIA's Bin Laden Unit- resigned over the incompetence of the Administration and a strong disagreement with their ridiculous plan to attack Iraq. Meanwhile you have Vice President Cheney and CIA leaking national security jeapordizer Karl Rove out trying to get out their blatantly false, stupidly simplistic talking points on the reason's why they broke the law and disregarded the Constitution, and also trying to paint Democrats into a corner with their way off base political rhetoric, that is in the disguise of "protecting Americans" and defending America's "national security". American's should have seen through this deplorable strategy in the 2004 elections, but I think they are well aware of it now and hopefully they can see around it and vote against it, putting our country before their party.


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